Haddo Tree Planting Ceremony
Kindy were invited to attend a special tree planting ceremony in Haddo Country Park.

Haddo Arts Festival 2022
The Kindy kids foraged from across the Haddo Estate & Country Park to create a marvellous Fox’s house for their submission to the Haddo Arts Festival.

Haddo Jubilee Orchard
The kindy kids helped plant a new orchard in the Haddo Estate & Country Park.

“Listen to me! Children’s Views on Children’s Rights”
Haddo Kindy worked in partnership with the National Day Nurseries Association to create the UNCRC toolkit “Listen to me! Children’s Views on Children’s Rights”.

Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland Visits Haddo Kindy
The team and children were delighted to host Bruce Adamson, the Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland at Haddo Kindy.